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<> - Required [] - Optional

<mapping> | String

Used to specify mapping type.

MOJANG eg. net.minecraft.commands.arguments.item.FunctionArgument
SPIGOT eg. net.minecraft.commands.arguments.item.ArgumentTag
SERAGE(FORGE) eg. net.minecraft.src.C_4638_

Fabric use:
YARN(eg. net.minecraft.command.argument.CommandFunctionArgumentType)
INTERMEDIARY(eg. net.minecraft.class_2284)

QuiltMC use:
QUILTMC(eg. net.minecraft.command.argument.CommandFunctionArgumentType)
HASHED(eg. net.minecraft.unmapped.C_edcdjeqn)

<type> | String

Use to specify search type. Not fully impltemented
class | field | method

<query> | String (Auto-completion)

Search key word
class | field | method

[version] | String (Auto-completion)

Select available version.